What is cellulite?
Cellulite (adiposis edematosa), is a localised accumulation of fat in the subcutaneous connective tissue, bounded by ridges of connective tissue, which makes the surface of the skin uneven, giving the affected area the appearance of orange peel skin. It is not to be confused with the similarly named cellulitis, an inflammation of the skin caused by a bacterial infection.
Who is affected by cellulite?
It affects more than 90% of women who have gone through puberty. It also rarely occurs in men. Cellulite is most common on the thighs and buttocks, less common on the abdomen. Strictly speaking, it is not a pathological condition. Although several treatment options are available, the effective therapy has not been clarified to date, and the effectiveness of the various procedures is evaluated differently in the medical literature.
How does cellulite develop?
Two important factors play a role in the development of cellulite. One is the dominant role of hormones. Women are the most affected, which is why estrogen is likely to be the most important hormone in the development of cellulite. Other hormones such as insulin, thyroid hormones and prolactin are also involved in the development of cellulite.
Cellulite is rare in men, but is more common in men with androgen deficiency, e.g. men receiving oestrogen therapy for prostate cancer.

The digestive system and cellulite
Estrobolom is a collection of bacteria in the gut that can break down and alter the levels of estrogen circulating in the body.
The problem is likely caused by gut dysbiosis, an imbalance of gut bacteria. When too many bacteria produce β-glucuronidase, it converts estrogen into its unconjugated active form and is then reabsorbed into the bloodstream. This leads to oestrogen dominance.
Altered circulating levels of oestrogen can contribute to obesity, metabolic syndrome, increased risk of certain cancers, endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCO), fertility problems and cardiovascular disease.
Another factor in the development of cellulite is the production of toxins by gram-negative (LPS) harmful gut bacteria, which cause disturbances in blood flow and the lymphatic system in the microcapillaries of the skin. This leads to an accumulation of toxins and the breakdown of the collagen fibres that hold the layers together. These fibres become hard, lose their elasticity and shrink easily. They pull inwards and form dimples, the first visible sign of cellulite.

How to prevent cellulite?
The production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) by intestinal bacteria is important for the beauty of the skin. The production of branched short-chain fatty acids (BSCFA) such as iso-, isovaleric- and 2-methyl butyric acid, which are produced by gut microbes, is also important.
This can be achieved by eating plenty of fermentable (water-soluble) dietary fibre. The most effective of these fibres is apple fibre, which has a high pectin content.
The role of pectin and inulin
Pectin and inulin provide high amounts of butyrate, acetate and propionate. The increase in body fat and insulin resistance have been greatly reduced by pectin and inulin in various studies. It also lowers triglycerides in the liver and improves insulin sensitivity. Fulvicherb – Synergy also contains pectin and inulin, among other ingredients. Our product apple pectin with inulin contains high doses of pure pectin and inulin.
Branched-chain fatty acids (BCFA) play a similarly important role in the skin. Both are “products” of the good intestinal bacteria.
Bacteroides species mainly carry out the fermentation of branched-chain fatty acids in the human intestine. These two types of fatty acids are rare in the internal tissues of humans but are present in high concentrations in the skin. It is no coincidence that the skin of babies with velvety skin has the highest concentration of these fatty acids.
The best-known BCFA is sheep’s wool fat, the skin-friendly lanolin. We can also get these special fatty acids from food, meat and milk fat from grazing ruminants.
It turns out that restoring the intestinal microbiome to an optimal state has positive effects on the human body not only internally but also externally.
Read the article in German: Cellulite und Darmgesundheit
Read the article in Polish: Cellulit i zdrowie jelit